Make your mark on Texas history through a planned gift to support the Bullock Museum’s engaging educational programs.
Making a legacy gift will help ensure that the Museum’s exhibition and programs can inspire, inform, and delight generations to come. A well-planned gift can support the Museum’s future, while helping you and your family achieve your financial goals, such as lowering your tax liability or not affecting your current spending.
Making a lasting impact can be as easy as adding one sentence to your will or making a simple designation in your retirement plan beneficiary form. There are a variety of financial vehicles available to help you reach your financial and philanthropic goals, including among others:
Making a legacy gift will help ensure that the Museum’s exhibition and programs can inspire, inform, and delight generations to come. A well-planned gift can support the Museum’s future, while helping you and your family achieve your financial goals, such as lowering your tax liability or not affecting your current spending.
Making a lasting impact can be as easy as adding one sentence to your will or making a simple designation in your retirement plan beneficiary form. There are a variety of financial vehicles available to help you reach your financial and philanthropic goals, including among others:
- Bequests
- Life Insurance Policies
- Retirement Plan Assets
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Other estate assets

Sample Bequest of Remainder of Estate
"I give, devise, and bequeath to the Texas State History Museum Foundation, TAX I.D. #74‐2916783, all [or state the fraction or percentage] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to benefit the Bullock Texas State History Museum. The TSHMF may be contacted at P.O. Box 12456, Austin, TX 78711, (512) 320-8204."
Sample Bequest of Specific Amount or Asset
"I give, devise, and bequeath $_______ (and/or specific asset____________________) to the Texas State History Museum Foundation, TAX I.D. #74‐2916783, to benefit the Bullock Texas State History Museum. The TSHMF may be contacted at P.O. Box 12456, Austin, TX 78711, (512) 320-8204."
These are merely suggestions as to content and should be written or adapted by legal counsel to fit the contributor’s individual situation. We are willing to visit with your counsel to assist you. All gifts of specific assets must be approved by the TSHMF Board of Trustees before acceptance.
Declaration of Support
If you have included the Texas State History Museum Foundation in your estate, please complete and return the Declaration of Support so that we may recognize you as a member of the Texas Legacy Society.
"I give, devise, and bequeath to the Texas State History Museum Foundation, TAX I.D. #74‐2916783, all [or state the fraction or percentage] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to benefit the Bullock Texas State History Museum. The TSHMF may be contacted at P.O. Box 12456, Austin, TX 78711, (512) 320-8204."
Sample Bequest of Specific Amount or Asset
"I give, devise, and bequeath $_______ (and/or specific asset____________________) to the Texas State History Museum Foundation, TAX I.D. #74‐2916783, to benefit the Bullock Texas State History Museum. The TSHMF may be contacted at P.O. Box 12456, Austin, TX 78711, (512) 320-8204."
These are merely suggestions as to content and should be written or adapted by legal counsel to fit the contributor’s individual situation. We are willing to visit with your counsel to assist you. All gifts of specific assets must be approved by the TSHMF Board of Trustees before acceptance.
Declaration of Support
If you have included the Texas State History Museum Foundation in your estate, please complete and return the Declaration of Support so that we may recognize you as a member of the Texas Legacy Society.

Texas Legacy Society
Generous donors who make a planned gift to support the Museum will be invited to join the Texas Legacy Society. Society members will receive invitations to VIP events, a special commemorative gift, and recognition at the Museum and in print materials.
To request a Creating Your Legacy brochure or if you would like to discuss a gift, please contact Jacqui Schraad, Executive Director, at 512-320-8204 or email her. As with any decision involving your assets, we urge you to seek the advice of your professional legal, tax, and/or financial planning advisor(s) when considering a gift to the Texas State History Museum Foundation.
Generous donors who make a planned gift to support the Museum will be invited to join the Texas Legacy Society. Society members will receive invitations to VIP events, a special commemorative gift, and recognition at the Museum and in print materials.
To request a Creating Your Legacy brochure or if you would like to discuss a gift, please contact Jacqui Schraad, Executive Director, at 512-320-8204 or email her. As with any decision involving your assets, we urge you to seek the advice of your professional legal, tax, and/or financial planning advisor(s) when considering a gift to the Texas State History Museum Foundation.
Texas Legacy Society Members
Jennifer and Douglas Bramwell
Colonel Michael D. Hess
Sandra S. McGonagle
Jennifer and Douglas Bramwell
Colonel Michael D. Hess
Sandra S. McGonagle